Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Phase 1 & Phase 2 FULLY FUNDED!

See all those little squares filled in with blue and pink?  That's right -- the Extreme Mission Makeover is FULLY FUNDED!  Phase 1 has been fully funded for quite some time and the construction completed on that phase -- the men's side of the mission, the offices, food prep area, and other main parts of the building.  Phase 2 -- the women and family side -- is now fully funded, and construction has begun!  Construction of Phase 2 had to wait until it was fully funded so we can complete construction without any delays that would effect the rest of the mission, and we are excited and overjoyed to report that the funding is there and construction is underway!

We thank all our supporters out there who have given of their time, treasures, and talents to bring us to this point!  We praise God for His goodness, His providence, His guidance in everything to do with the mission -- may He be glorified!

Construction of this part of the building is just the beginning -- when the construction is complete, ministry begins!  That is when we get to help the hurting and the homeless in the name of Jesus Christ.  Praise God for allowing us to be a part of His work in this vital ministry, and for showing His glory in all of it!

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